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Facebook Insights

Bryan Moore from the Chetola Resort in Blowing Rock, NC allowed my class to come and experience the culture at Chetola. Upon walking on the original floors of the restaurant and bar and standing in front of age-old coca-cola memorabilia, the slow-down feeling started to spread. We were there for a presentation, but we experienced why Chetola is so loved by the community. Bryan Moore shared his experience on Facebook- getting in touch with people and showing the beauty to see inside Chetola. Because the resort is open to the public, it is a place for relaxation and dedication to the robust experience they can provide. "Pull on the heart-strings," he said. Bryan Moore was sharing how when he comes to work, he takes a deep breath and admires the landscape. Facebook allowed him to share that experience with everyone from local residents and students to travelers and nomads. He made use of Facebook Analytics, a tool that allowed him to see how the people were responding. It turns out they loved the personal posts much more than they ever liked the advertisements. They also got a large reaction and more engagement after showing an inclusivity to the whole community. Following that bit of information, Bryan expanded his reach and the quality of his relationship with the community. His tale of inspiration gave me an idea. I decided to look further into Facebook Insights to determine if Todd's Table could benefit from the same information.

Facebook insights is sliced up into 14 categories of information:

Facebook insights left side navigation pane (screenshot)

The Overview is a summary of the last seven days (this is the automatic selection but you can change that to get a broader sense of activity). These summaries include page views, previews, likes, reach, engagement, videos, and followers. This will also suggest pages for you to watch. Promotions is primarily for organizations that boost their posts and create promoting posts. The Followers page allows you to see when people followed you, where they came from, your total, and net follower numbers. Likes would be people who always like, new likes, when they liked it, and where they came from. Reach will tell you how many people saw your post, thus how effective your posting times are. This will also include the reach versus the time posted. Page views also allows you to see when, where, and how often people viewed your page versus when posts were published. Page previews allows you to see how many times others saw your page preview. Actions on page will show you how many people clicked on your phone number, website link, clicked to get directions, or clicked an article button. Depending on your campaign goals and strategies, any of these categories may seem like the most important part, but it is necessary to remember how all of this data works together. Posts describes when a post was published, what type of post it was (link, photo, etc.) targeting, reach, engagement, and then allows for you to promote an item. This section also allows you to see top posts from pages you watch. Events and Videos depend on the type of posts published to your page, it is possible to have no information on these sections if-- like my organization-- you do not put videos or events. Events will show you engagements, tickets, and audience.Video analytics will include retention per video and across all videos. People breaks down your fans, followers, people reached, and people engaged. This includes their numbers and demographics and where they live or what language they speak. Local allows you to understand what events and engagements are happening around you, what time people are most reached or most active. And finally Messages will just show you the analytics for any messages between you and followers.

Find out what this means and how I analyze my Facebook group's engagement. Get A New Perspective!

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